Artwork for Motion Picture Retribution Power Hour
What's the one thing the internet is missing? A podcast where three white guys talk about bad movies. Fortunately, these three Evening Brothers are here to fill that void. Jon, Lincoln, and Preston take turns making the other two watch bad movies and take extensive notes about them. If things DON'T get off the rails within 10 minutes, we have been bodysnatched, please send help.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Motion Picture Retribution Power Hour

What's the one thing the internet is missing? A podcast where three white guys talk about bad movies. Fortunately, these three Evening Brothers are here to fill that void. Jon, Lincoln, and Preston take turns making the other two watch bad movies and take extensive notes about them. If things DON'T get off the rails within 10 minutes, we have been bodysnatched, please send help.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo